Tips: displays a 2D grid to visualize your character moves

A little snippet to draw a 2D grid using gizmos to visualize your character moves.

Detects default Handle in Bevy

Using this trick, you now will know how to detect not initialized texture and atlas layout within the Bevy game engine.

Sync root and workspaces dependencies versions

At some point, a Rust project may become big and leveraging the workspaces feature may be a good thing to do. But how to sync the root package dependencies with the workspace ones? Here is the answer.

Disable Bevy renderer for tests

A basic example of how to disable Bevy renderer and Window plugin to run your tests relying on these native Plugins in your CI environments.

How to defer useFetch/useAsyncData properly with reactive body or options

Learn how to defer the execution of useFetch/useAsyncData with reactive inside url/options with a perfect use case.

Bulk update models with differents values in Laravel

You need to update many rows at once in a database using Laravel query builder or Eloquent? Read this article to learn about a trick to improve your application efficiency.

Bevy stages or the frames lifecycle

Discover the native Bevy's stages and how to add and organize them to manage your frame lifecycle.

Mastering plugin loadings in Bevy - Part 2/2

An advanced article on how to load plugin. Discover how to add plugin to a crate plugin, disable/enable plugin of a group and how to order an added plugin after or before a plugin of the group.

Rebase a query builder after filtering an Eloquent Collection

To retrieve the Query Builder after filtering the results: you can use `->toQuery()`. The method internally use the first model of the collection and a `whereKey` comparison on the Collection models.

Mastering plugin loadings in Bevy - Part 1/2

Plugins in Bevy is the way to quickly adds functionalities to the game engine. They are re-usable, shareable and many of them are open sourced, discover how to create one and how to use them in your project.